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at wak usi's house
Wednesday 20 June 2012 | 06:28 | 0 comments

kat rumah wak usi.....mase tu ade lah orang kahwin...so...kitorang decide untuk take a fresh air...jadi kitorg pon kluar and saw a sign taht read as 'photo booth'...kitorg trus lri kt tmpt tu and ambik lah ayat-ayat and gambar tu sume...LO+VE=LOVE this time i'm with my cousin,yasmeen....yg pgang 'we're married' tu pon cousin jgak namenye iman...da lah kt satu balang tu pnoh ngan gule2...kitorg pon..apalagi curi ah gule2 tu sume.....mmg pnoh beg kitorg ngan gule2 tu sume.....seriously weyh...rumah tu bsar and cntik lak tu...pnat lah tgn asyik type jer...ok lah bye...

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